Will change do you good?

The Fireman and I went over our Washington plans again on Saturday. We talked about changes again to the Washington portion of the plan. The town in which had envisioned living has thrown up so many road blocks for our rentals that we looked around at other properties in other counties.

We originally decided that even if we couldn’t do our rentals in the town we chose, we would want to eventually relocate and live there to build our Forever Home. Now, we’re contemplating if there would be another town that had ‘It All’, too. But one that would also allow us to do our vacation homes, and preferably the yurts.

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Changes to the Dream

So, dreams can change. There’s a lot of truth to that. We aren’t totally changing our dream plans, but we are slightly modifying them. That happens. We roll.

We found out that the county in which our property resides isn’t very helpful about building permits and vacation rentals in general. Their goal is to minimize rentals and hotels and multi family buildings. We never planned on a large rental situation, but I get their goal to maintain the serenity of the place.

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After our first decision to pursue land and our dream, the Fireman and I planned a weekend in October to fly back to Washington State and look at land to purchase.

During this time, I did a TON of research and got our assets together and was able to get a raw land loan for the property.

It took us a while to get a real estate agent. Several of them didn’t return our calls, not sure why. We finally got one we loved, who seemed eager to help out. We gave her our final list of Top 8 properties.

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The Birth of the Dream

June 2016 – We went on vacation to Oregon and Washington. You can read about the vacation itself on the The Travels page. Go ahead and check it out, I’ll wait.

Done? Okay.

So, we love to travel. And every time we travel, we think ‘Is this where we want to retire’? We have really loved our vacations. Some places we love, like Vegas or Branson, but we know we’d never want to live there. Then others, like Knoxville, Tennessee, Galena, IL, Petosky, MI, Indiana or Wisconsin we really loved, but just weren’t sure if we wanted that to be our “Forever Home”.

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